Beauty Secrets From Africa
African Sandalwood
African Black Soap
It's made from natural ingredients and can benefit your health in many different ways. This soap isn't limited to just cleansing the skin. African black soap has antibacterial properties which can help improve certain skin conditions, and might even slow down some signs of aging.
African Sandalwood
African red sandalwood, or camwood powder, has a long history of being used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. When it comes to skincare, it is known for its ability to cleanse, brighten, and rejuvenate the skin.
African Washcloth
The Sapor Exfoliating Bath Sponge is native to Ghana; it is also well known to many West African Countries. It helps to reduce dry and rough skin, rashes, back acne, eczema, and other skin issues.